Bine ati venit!!

Toate suntem frumoase natural dar pentru a ne scoatem in evidenta trasaturile noastre ascunse si pentru a fi fermecatoare, seducatoare la ocazii speciale sau, pur si simplu, in fiecare zi avem nevoie de ajutortul unor trucuri, iar unul dintre ele ar fi un machiaj potrivit. Daca vrei sa iti descoperi latura ta speciala totul depinde de tine.
In fiecare zi e ziua noastra! Da startul la ingrijirea de care meriti !!!

miercuri, 3 august 2011
** As always, this giveaway IS open internationally so everyone is welcome (and encouraged) to enter! **

Just some other photos to entice you. ;)
Click to enlarge.

I included non-sale prices to give you an idea of the items' value.
I put "$200 value" on my image, but clearly it is way more.
Gotta' love sales and promos!

ALL items are BNIB and have never been opened/used.

First Prize:

As you can see, the first prize winner will receive THREE full sized palettes:
1)  Urban Decay 15th Anniversary e/s palette ($55)
2)  The Balm "Shady Lady" (vol 2) e/s palette ($39.50)
3)  The Balm Balmbini face palette (blushes, e/s, etc) ($28)

4)  Urban Decay e/s Transforming Potion ($18)
5)  Urban Decay Matte e/s in "Jones" ($17)
6)  Urban Decay Matte e/s in "Chronic" ($17)

The First Prize winner will also receive these adorable Sephora:
7)  Hello Kitty Notebook ($14) 
8)  matching Hello Kitty Cosmetics Pouch ($28)

9)  Milani LE "Paint" e/s palette ($8)
10)  Rosebud Salve ($6)
11)  Three BB Cream deluxe samples

12)  Make Up For Ever graphics cosmetics pouch ($35), which includes:
a)  Lab Shine Lipgloss
b)  HD Powder
c)  Smoky Lash Mascara
d)  Aqua eyes eyeliner

13)  Benefit "Little Look Goods" Very Important Beauty Insider exclusive:
a)  Dandelion in a full size ($28)
b)  "That Gal" Brightening Face Primer 0.25 oz
c)  BADgal Lash Mascara in a deluxe sample size

14)  Benefit "One Prime Day" Sephora exclusive ($10) :
 a)  0.25 oz Mini That Gal
b)  0.25 oz Mini Porefessional
c)  0.9 oz Mini Stay Don't Stray

15)  Benefit "Feeling Cheeky" Sephora exclusive ($15):
a)  0.13 oz Posietint (poppy pink)
b)  0.13 oz High Beam (shimmering pale pink)
c)  0.13 oz Benetint (rose)

16)  $25 MAC Gift Card*

Second Prize:

$50 MAC Gift Card*

Third Prize:

$25 MAC Gift Card*

(* Regarding Gift Cards:  I am willing to substitute for a Sephora or other beauty related store gift card.  For international winners, I am also willing to purchase the items you want up to the above amounts and mail those out to you if that will give you the best value.  I will NOT PayPal/mail funds to you under any circumstance.)

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